
I have still not found a solution for this. Do you have any ideas on
how to debug it?


Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards
Thomas Damgaard Nielsen

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Thomas Damgaard<thoma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I use rsync for daily backups from a mailserver.
> Every day the mailserver pushes backup to the backupserver.
> Cron runs the command:
> rsync -q -zrlpt --specials --chmod=Du+rwx \
> --rsh 'ssh -F /root/ssh/config -i /root/ssh/private.key -o
> UserKnownHostsFile=/root/ssh/known_hosts'  \
> --files-from=/root/include \
> --exclude-from=/root/exclude \
> --link-dest=../previous \
> / backupu...@backupserver:backup/current
> The rsync command is run as the root user on the mailserver.
> /root/include contains the line:
> /data
> /root/exclude is empty at this moment.
> The problem is that almost every day, I get an e-mail from cron saying
> that rsync has failed.
> It gives errors like these:
> rsync: readlink
> "/data/mail/virtual/xx-net.dk/martin/cur/1240839853.V11I228039M884633.mail:2,RS"
> failed: Permission denied (13)
> rsync: readlink
> "/data/mail/virtual/xx-net.dk/martin/cur/1240830282.V11I228031M150189.mail:2,S"
> failed: Permission denied (13)
> rsync: readlink
> "/data/mail/virtual/xx-net.dk/martin/cur/1240830490.V11I228036M432719.mail:2,S"
> failed: Permission denied (13)
> I have checked that the files are ineed readable on the mailserver.
> Here is ls -l from one of them:
> -rw------- 1 mail mail 560383 2009-04-27 13:08
> /data/mail/virtual/xx-net.dk/martin/cur/1240830490.V11I228036M432719.mail:2,S
> The files that gives the error is appearently changing randomly. One
> day there can be one or two files with an error. Other times several
> hundred.
> I have seen it give errors on files in mail boxes that is currently
> unused, so it cannot be because the file is currently used by some
> other application (e.g. the imap server).
> I noticed that it is readlink that gives the error. I'm not sure why
> readlink is used in this case. This is a regular file and not a
> symlink.
> I hope you have some suggestions on how to debug this further.
> Details on the servers's file systems:
> Server backupserver:
> /data is mounted like this:
> nfs:/data/nfs/nfs0/data/xx/backup on /data type nfs
> (rw,timeo=60,intr,rsize=16384,wsize=16384,addr=78.xx.xx.xx)
> Server mailserver:
> /data is mounted like this:
> nfs:/data/nfs/nfs0/data/xx/mail on /data type nfs
> (rw,timeo=60,intr,rsize=16384,wsize=16384,addr=78.xx.xx.xx)
> Med venlig hilsen/Kind regards
> Thomas Damgaard Nielsen
> http://thomasdamgaard.dk
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