Imran Hussain writes Tue Dec 6 19:54:06 GMT 2005

I have written an rsync wrapper for Windows called DeltaCopy. ( It is written in Borland C++ Builder and source is also available on the net. Let me know if someone has any suggestions/comments.

Hello Imran, I have a Windows PC running Vista Family Premium Edition SP2. I installed DeltaCopy and set it up to make a test backup to an openSUSE Linux 11.0 server running rsync 3.0.2.

The test fails because the rsync command created by DeltaCopy is badly formed: it has an unwanted TAB after the module name.

Executing: rsync.exe  -v -rlt -z --delete
 "/cygdrive/M/Documents de Michel/Documents/Test backup/"
 "   /Test backup/"

@ERROR: Unknown module 'Michel-MD1695   '
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at /home/lapo/packaging/rsync-3.0.4-1/src/rsync-3.0.4/main.c(1504) [sender=3.0.4]

The TAB appears to come from the server as part of the server reply to the query for the list of modules. Each module name is followed by a TAB even though there are no comment lines in rsyncd.conf on the server.

I have run DeltaCopy on Windows XP against the same server without problems, so DeltaCopy is capable of trimming the TAB at least on some occasions.

How can I get rid of this TAB? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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