On Mon 17 Aug 2009, dhtmldude wrote:
> Folks, maybe one of you can help me.  I've installed Rsync 3.1.0 on both the
> client and the server.  Im using ssh, my command line follows:
> rsync  -avc --delete -e "ssh.exe -i C:\cms\PageGenerator\nasadmin_prod_rsa"
> -vvv \\cagecfsu1.saifg.rbc.com\YCM0\InternalCache\test_aug17/  
> ad...@ 1>dump.txt
> 2>dump2.txt
> 2> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Your ssh session is not being established, so rsync doesn't even get a
chance to do its thing.

First get your ssh working, only then look at rsync.

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