On Sat, 2009-11-07 at 09:38 -0800, Wayne Davison wrote:
> Yeah, that's the long-standing issue where a fatal error on the server
> side can cause the client side to get a socket error trying to write
> to the socket before it has a chance to read the error(s) from the
> socket.  The latest git archive finally has a fix for this.

It looks like the implementation has the receiver hang around for a
hard-coded 10 seconds, accepting data from the sender and discarding it.
That's a hack: I don't like to have the sender dependent upon this
special cooperation from the receiver in the event of abnormal
termination.  It seems to me that when the sender hits a write error, it
could just read messages on a best-effort basis before exiting, as in
the old IO code.  Is this approach unworkable for some reason?


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