
On Wed, 30 Dec 2009, Sébastien Arpin wrote:

I have a bash script for rsync that should tranfer all my filer from one drive to the other.

I would like to know how I can make the script sending me an email after the script is run and be able to know if it was a success or not and also if possible to include the log file.

I do it this way:

rsync ${ALLOPTS} ${SRC} ${DST} >>${PROT} 2>&1
DAT2="`date +%y%m%d.%H%M`"
if test "${RC}" = "0" -o "${RC}" = "23"; then
  grep "^Total file size: " ${PROT} | \
   ( read a b c d e
     echo "${DAT2} ${NAM} size: $d bytes." >>${DST}/.gwdg-mirror
  touch ${DST}/.gwdg-mirror
echo "==== end   ======== RC=${RC} ============ ${DAT1} ${DAT2}" >>${PROT}

if [ "${RC}" = "0" ]; then
  NUMFIL=`grep "^Number of files transferred:" ${PROT} | \
            (while read n o f t X; do echo -n ${X}; done)`
  if [ "${NUMFIL}" = "0" ]; then

if [ "${MAILIT}" = "yes" ]; then
  V1="is uptodate"
  V2="is a hard link"
  V3="^backed up "
  V4="^deleting "
  grep -v "${V1}\|${V2}\|${V3}\|${V4}" ${PROT} | \
    mail -s"${SUBJ} (RC=${RC})" ${MAILTO}
#  mail -s"${SUBJ} (RC=${RC}) __nomail__" ${MAILTO} <${PROT}

Viele Gruesse
Eberhard Moenkeberg (emoe...@gwdg.de, e...@kki.org)

Eberhard Moenkeberg
Arbeitsgruppe IT-Infrastruktur
E-Mail: emoe...@gwdg.de      Tel.: +49 (0)551 201-1551
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