On Thu 21 Jan 2010, Alexander Dahl wrote:
> If I omit or outcomment the 'auth users' line, everyone is allowed to
> connect and this is also how I understood the manpage.
> Now if I use the following line, also everyone is allowed to connect:
>   auth users =
> So if I don't put any username there, it's like I would have omitted the
> line. This is not quite what I expected. This may be senseless but I

Actually it's exactly what I would have expected, not specifying a list
is the same as leaving the list empty, which "auth users = " without any
names does.  I guess it's a matter of point of view :-)

> would have expected, the rsync daemon would deny everyone to connect
> then, because he would check an empty list against the secrets file. Is
> there a way to accomplish this behaviour, denying access? Or maybe a

Put a user in there that doesn't exist in the password file?

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