>>> cp -al, rsync
>> Various source changes would likely change some metadata in the old
>> sets.
> Yep.  See my request for a --no-tweak-hlinked option to avoid such
> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4561

This is interesting. Though it would have more uses than being just
another bolt on alternative to the 'link-dest nosrc itemization' issue,
it is that in that regard.

>> And it doesn't handle those pesky multiple link-dests.
>  Presumably you would want to itemize with respect to only one of the
>  link-dest dirs ... cp -al

Someone brought up multiple link-dests as a sortof reason not to pursue
the generalized, in rsync, itemization solution. I've not had a reason to
use multiple link-dests yet, nor can I think of one other than as a
possible dire need for bandwidth/space savings. But in the case someone
does use them, which is fine, and they want 'link-dest nosrc itemization',
rsync will already have all the paths it needs as arguments and can then
sit back and do the crunching for said itemization.

> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5644

I've looked at this one even less than the above one... as it's rather
diverged from the OP's Q#1 and the warning and proposal for 'link-dest
nosrc itemization'... and the expansion of this thread into a related but
unrelated catch all is melting my brain :-)

Ben: freebsd mfs = ufs on ram, mdmfs(8)
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