On Sun, 2009-12-13 at 07:21 +0000, tom raschel wrote:
> i have to tranfer large files each 5-100 GB (mo-fri) over dsl line. 
> unfortunately dsl lines are often not very stable and i got a broken pipe 
> error.
> (dsl lines are getting a new ip if they are broken or at least after a 
> reconnect every 24 hours)
> i had a script which detect the rsync error and restart the transmission.
> this means that if a file has transfered e.g. 80 % i start again from 
> beginning.
> using partial and partial-dir was no solution to resync because rsync cut the 
> original file (e.g. from 20 GB to 15 GB) which means that i have to transfer 
> the whole rest of 5 GB.

Indeed.  I entered an enhancement request to handle this situation



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