I am trying to mirror only select directories from one server to another with 
rsync through its daemon mode.

Server A

Server B

I wish to copy everything in the /docs directories under the /das, /em and /psb 
directories (in this simplified example) moving them from /export/home on 
server A to /export/home/extranet on server B.

This is what I have in a rsyncd.conf on server B.
   path = /export/home/extranet
   comment = California Department of Pesticide Regulation Extranet
   uid = webuser
   gid = other
   read only = no
   list = yes
   hosts allow = ww.xxx.yy.zz
   secrets file = /etc/.password
   auth users = aaa

Here is the command I've tried on server A
/usr/local/bin/rsync -n -vvv --stats -Pzrtpl --delete 
--log-file=/export/home/webuser/logs/rsync-log --include 
--exclude "/*"  /export/home/xterernal/htdocs/ webu...@appprod::dprweb_extranet

This is failing with this message in the output.
sending incremental file list
rsync: change_dir "/export/home/xterernal/htdocs" failed: No such file or 
directory (2)

Question A:
Why was it looking at the "/export/home/xterernal/htdocs" directory.  The 
external is one of the many directories I am trying to ignore.

Question B: 
Where is it trying to change to the /export/home/xterernal/htdocs directory?  
On server B?  If so, that is not the desired path, /export/home/extranet/... is 
the desired destination.

Can anybody provide some guidance on how to filter to select directories and 
mirror them to another server with a different base path?


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