On Fri, 1 Oct 2010, Wayne Davison wrote:

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Ian Skinner wrote:

Unfortunately there are some subdirectories in some of these selected */htdocs/docs* directories that are unintentionally being excluded by these rules. I.E. */export/home/enf/htdocs/docs/county/internal/*.

It is usually best to anchor your matching terms, unless you want a term to float and match anywhere. In an .rsync-filter file, terms that start with a slash are anchored in that file's directory. You can also use a wildcard for all the subdir excusions. For example:

+ /das
+ /em
+ /enf
+ /internal
+ /itb
+ /medtox
+ /pml
+ /psb
+ /reg
+ /whs
- /*

+ /*/htdocs
- /*/*

+ /*/htdocs/docs
- /*/htdocs/*

Another alternative is to sprinkle .rsync-filter files throughout your hierarchy with localized rules for that part of the hierarchy, but the above should do what you want.

I think I sent a variant of the attached Perl script last time someone was asking something similar. What Wayne suggested is better right now (that is: while your patterns are very simple -- just a few root-level directories, each of which should include the /htdocs/docs/ subdir). But if you start adding more, it could get more annoying to have to manually fiddle with the rules.

The attached script takes as input lines of the form:

and produces what should work as a filter file. It supports '{one,other}' brace-style expansions (but I think that may be OS-dependent -- I think it works if your system's 'glob()' function supports them). So, for example, I produced a working filter file for your situation from:

{==> input.rsync.rules <==}



$ perl ./rsync-filter-generate.pl input.rsync.rules
[produces rule file] [1]

$ perl ./rsync-filter-generate.pl input.rsync.rules | rsync --include-from=- 
[shows what would be transferred]

$ perl ./rsync-filter-generate.pl input.rsync.rules | rsync --include-from=- 
/path/to/root/ /path/to/dest/
[does it]

The general strategy:
$ echo /abc/def/ghi | perl ./rsync-filter-generate.pl
+ /abc               -- first include each path component
+ /abc/def           -- one-at-a-time, for each thing to include
+ /abc/def/ghi
- /abc/def/*         -- then exclude everything else at each
- /abc/*             -- level of the hierarchy
- /*


[1] output for your case:

+ /das
+ /das/htdocs
+ /das/htdocs/docs
+ /das/htdocs/other
+ /em
+ /em/htdocs
+ /em/htdocs/docs
+ /enf
+ /enf/htdocs
+ /enf/htdocs/docs
+ /internal
+ /internal/htdocs
+ /internal/htdocs/docs
+ /itb
+ /itb/htdocs
+ /itb/htdocs/docs
+ /medtox
+ /medtox/htdocs
+ /medtox/htdocs/docs
+ /pml
+ /pml/htdocs
+ /pml/htdocs/docs
+ /psb
+ /psb/htdocs
+ /psb/htdocs/docs
+ /reg
+ /reg/htdocs
+ /reg/htdocs/docs
+ /whs
+ /whs/htdocs
+ /whs/htdocs/docs
- /whs/htdocs/*
- /whs/*
- /reg/htdocs/*
- /reg/*
- /psb/htdocs/*
- /psb/*
- /pml/htdocs/*
- /pml/*
- /medtox/htdocs/*
- /medtox/*
- /itb/htdocs/*
- /itb/*
- /internal/htdocs/*
- /internal/*
- /enf/htdocs/*
- /enf/*
- /em/htdocs/*
- /em/*
- /das/htdocs/*
- /das/*
- /*
use strict;
use warnings;

# read in all of the paths to include
my @all;
while (<>) {
	push @all, glob;

my (%inc, %exc);
for (@all) {
	my @parts = split m{/};
	for (1..$#parts) {
		# include every path component up to the end
		# e.g.
		# /abc
		# /abc/def
		# /abc/def/ghi
		$inc{join "/", @parts[0..$_]}++;

		# exclude every other path component
		# e.g.
		# /abc/def/*
		# /abc/*
		# /*
		$exc{join "/", @parts[0..$_-1]}++;

# include things from shortest-to-longest path
# exclude things from longest to shortest
print "+ $_\n" for sort keys %inc;
print "- $_/*\n" for reverse sort keys %exc;
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