On 6/1/2011 3:26 PM, Matt McCutchen wrote:
On Wed, 2011-06-01 at 14:57 -0400, Brian K. White wrote:
I like the built-in idea as I don't happen to use rsync via inetd/xinetd
or any other on-demand starter.

It's not an actual problem for me, today, but that's no excuse to avoid
doing the right thing once you recognize it.

And "the right thing" for upstream rsync is in Wayne's sole discretion.
In my view, the perl script is a fine solution and what convenience
there may be in a built-in option does not merit the effort of
maintaining the feature as part of rsync.

That is a work-around, not a solution. It's great in that, if you can meet it's requirements and live with it's deficiencies, it's something you can usually do right now without needing anyone else to fix or enhance anything. It's also great in that, probably most people _can_ meet the requirements and live with the deficiencies since they are not that much.

The work-around requires using (x)inetd, and there are many and various reasons, from mere admin flexibility, to performance, to security, for wanting to avoid all use of any inetd, and why rsync and many other servers offer the ability to handle their sessions themselves.

If the service aims to be usable stand-alone, which rsync clearly does, then imo this is just part of that. A nicity perhaps, not critical, but trivial to implement and maintain in comparison with things like child/session management which are definitely in there solely to support standalone daemon operation.

Not every such service incorporates such a feature, but the provided common examples of proftpd and apache that do provide that feature pretty well express that, and why, it is wanted in a stand-alone daemon if it is to ever be heavily used, especially in a public context.

To argue against it very strongly is essentially to say "Nah, we don't care if rsync is really good for heavy and/or public use." Given the other features that have been there since day one, and that still go in daily, I extremely doubt that.

Come to think of it, this would matter to me a lot I just realized, as a client. I have a devil of a time maintaining my opensuse install repo mirrors because the server has no proper way to tell me not to sync right now because it's in the process of being updated itself at the moment.

There are other problems too, relating to the difference between "This directory was deleted from the source and so you DO want to delete it in your mirror.", vs "This directory was removed only because the entire tree was removed because we are no longer supporting this old version of the distribution, you probably do NOT want to delete it from your private copy just because we removed it from our public site." That second problem is arguable both ways as being something rsync should provide an answer for, or not. It's easy to say why not. But what's the point of writing rsync? So people _won't_ use it?

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