
On Wed, 24 Aug 2011, Kevin Korb wrote:

Unfortunately rsync has no concept of "newly created".

--update                skip files that are newer on the receiver

doesn't prevent deleting for files not existing on source side?

On 08/24/11 15:38, Saman Ghannadzadeh wrote:
Hi all,

I was wondering if it's possible to make the --delete option to not
delete files that have been newly created on the destination site but
which do not yet exist on the source side.

However it should still delete files that did exist on the source side
but were subsequently deleted.

Many Thanks,

- --
        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.               ke...@futurequest.net  (work)
        Orlando, Florida                k...@sanitarium.net (personal)
        Web page:                       http://www.sanitarium.net/
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