
We upgraded from rsync 2.6.8 to 3.0.6, and ran into a problem with P (protect)
rules coming in from filter files. The rule works if given on command line, but
if given via . (merge), it no longer works. The effect is that files are not
sent to the destination any more.

I verified the problem still exists in 3.0.9pre2. I don't think this is bug
8309 (https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8309) as all this happens on
a single machine.

Here's an example how to set up to replicate this problem. We want to copy from
'aaa' to 'bbb' any files which exist in 'aaa', but leave untouched any other
files in 'bbb'.

 $ cd /tmp
 $ mkdir aaa bbb aaa/x mkdir bbb/x
 $ touch aaa/x/file aaa/file bbb/x/y
 $ echo 'P /x/***' > my.rules

Expected behaviour:

 $ rsync -nzavmH --delete-excluded -f '. my.rules' $PWD/aaa/ $PWD/bbb/
 building file list ... done

 sent 126 bytes  received 38 bytes  328.00 bytes/sec
 total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

Behaviour in rsync 3.0.6 / 3.0.9pre2:

 $ rsync -nzavmH --delete-excluded -f '. my.rules' $PWD/aaa/ $PWD/bbb/
 building file list ... done

 sent 60 bytes  received 18 bytes  156.00 bytes/sec
 total size is 0  speedup is 0.00 (DRY RUN)

Putting the 'P' filter directly on command line works:

 $ rsync -nzavmH --delete-excluded -f 'P /x/***' $PWD/aaa/ $PWD/bbb/ 
 building file list ... done

 sent 88 bytes  received 21 bytes  218.00 bytes/sec
 total size is 0  speedup is 0.00 (DRY RUN)

Apparently in this trivial example this can be worked around by using ".,r",
which I find a bit confusing since "P" is a receiver side option. At any rate
I am not sure it's a general fix for our complete rule sets.

 $ rsync -nzavmH --delete-excluded -f '.,r my.rules' $PWD/aaa/ $PWD/bbb/
 building file list ... done

 sent 88 bytes  received 21 bytes  218.00 bytes/sec
 total size is 0  speedup is 0.00 (DRY RUN)

Is this a bug? Looking at debug output from running with -vvvv, the main
difference between -f 'P ...' and -f '. ...' is that former generates (a)
and latter generates (b). Note the rule changes from '-r' to '-sr', and
the sending side files are removed, which explains the behaviour seen.

Whether it's a bug, could anyone suggest an alternative rule set which
would allow us to achieve our goal here so we can work with 3.0.x rsync?



[client] add_rule(-r /x/***)
cmd=<NULL> machine=<NULL> user=<NULL> path=/tmp/bbb/
cmd[0]=. cmd[1]=/tmp/bbb/ 
note: iconv_open("UTF-8", "UTF-8") succeeded.
(Client) Protocol versions: remote=30, negotiated=30
(Server) Protocol versions: remote=30, negotiated=30
building file list ... 
[sender] change_dir(/tmp/aaa)
[sender] make_file(.,*,0)
[sender] make_file(file,*,2)
[sender] make_file(x,*,2)
[sender] make_file(x/file,*,2)


[client] parse_filter_file(my.rules,10400,1)
[client] add_rule(-sr /x/***)
cmd=<NULL> machine=<NULL> user=<NULL> path=/tmp/bbb/
cmd[0]=. cmd[1]=/tmp/bbb/ 
note: iconv_open("UTF-8", "UTF-8") succeeded.
(Client) Protocol versions: remote=30, negotiated=30
(Server) Protocol versions: remote=30, negotiated=30
building file list ... 
[sender] change_dir(/tmp/aaa)
[sender] make_file(.,*,0)
[sender] make_file(file,*,2)
[sender] hiding directory x because of pattern /x/***

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