
I'm using cwrsync with rsync 3.0.8 atm and after syncing a file to Strato
HiDrive and back to the local machine the new permissions contain
this entry:

None (UK-DT-01\None)
with Read, Execute; Read and Write (allowed) permissions.

It takes a few seconds before this entry is displayed with this name, in the
meantime it is only a sid (and the user icon has a red question mark in the
bottom right corner):

The only entries for this sid that can be found in the registry are all in
group policy keys like:

The source permissions for that file are:
Everyone with full control

My rsync options are: -v -rltp -z -P -h
but I tried -a | or -rlt (instead of the -rltp) as well but the results for
this "None" entry didn't change.

Google stated that it was possible (a few years ago) to use SET
CYGWIN=nontsec to avoid such a behavior but this seems deprecated.

Any hints how I can avoid the addition of this obscure permission entry (I
can only control the rsync options for the windows machine, not the ones for
the strato hidrive server)?


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