
Is your output on this problematic network similar to the following : 

$ telnet mirrors.usc.edu 873
Connected to hpc-mirror.usc.edu.
Escape character is '^]'.
@RSYNCD: 30.0

Also, what happens if you add -n (--dry-run) to the following command :
> rsync -artv rsync://mirrors.usc.edu/centos/5.6/updates/i386/RPMS/ 
> --exclude=debug/ /var/www/html/centos/5/updates/i386

If it is working on from networks (which it seems to be) then I suspect there 
is a problem with the connection.

Is the firewall opened for connections on port 873 to all systems on the 
internet? The reason I ask is because you could start an iperf 
<http://iperf.sourceforge.net/> server (operating on port 863) on a remote 
system and see if connections works from the problematic network/host and what 
kind of throughput you are getting. Perhaps the connection opens but once data 
starts being passed something is going wrong? 

The other thing is that you could setup an rsync server on a different system 
and see if it has the same problem. With such a test you should see the same 
issue if it is a network issue.

As far as I am able to see the mirror you are connecting to for the source 
seems to be working fine <mirrors.usc.edu>. I suspect there is an issue with 
the network connection or host. 

Check the environment variables on the system for anything which may be causing 
issues. Also, you if possible you could try building a copy of rsync from 
source and see if that helps?

Finally, have you attempted the same rsync command from another system within 
the problematic network? If so what was the result did it manage to pull the 
data down from the server?

Hopefully, at least some of the information above is helpful =<:^)

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