I apologize in advance for asking a beginner question, but I really
could not figure this from the manual page.

I want to copy some files with rsync, and not copy others.

The stuff that I do not want to copy looks like this:

System Volume Information/_restore*/RP*
Documents and Settings/leila/Local Settings/Application
Documents and Settings/leila/Local Settings/Application

Note that there are spaces in these names. Note that there are
wildcards in the middle of the name. Note that I'm looking to
transfer/create an empty directory in some cases.

So, just a quickie: how?

My current command line for rsync looks like this:

rsync -A -a --delete --rsync-path="/opt/local/bin/rsync --fake-super
--log-file=/tmp/rlog.txt" /cygdrive/c/
"rsync@kleiman-ibook:/Volumes/Windows\ rsync\rsync"

and if there's a good way to shorten that, I'd love to know.

Incidentally, I get a LOT of error messages:
Kleiman-ibook:Windows TM michael$ head -5 /tmp/rlog.txt
2011/12/17 19:34:37 [10315] receiving file list
2011/12/17 19:34:39 [10315] rsync: set_acl:
sys_acl_delete_def_file(Documents and Settings): Attribute not found
2011/12/17 19:34:39 [10315] rsync: set_acl:
sys_acl_delete_def_file(Documents and
Settings/Administrator.LEILA-DELL): Attribute not found (93)
2011/12/17 19:34:39 [10315] rsync: set_acl:
sys_acl_delete_def_file(Documents and
Settings/Administrator.LEILA-DELL/Application Data): Attribute not
found (93)
2011/12/17 19:34:39 [10315] rsync: set_acl:
sys_acl_delete_def_file(Documents and
Settings/Administrator.LEILA-DELL/Application Data/Identities):
Attribute not found (93)

This continues for a very long time :-).
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