For full system backup, rsync obviously needs to run as root on the
machine being backed up

For preservation of user/group/permissions info, rsync also typically
needs to be run as root on the machine storing the backup - although
there appear to be various ways to avoid this (e.g. using fakeroot -s,
or running rsync inside a Xen VM which only stores the backup of one host)

Can anyone comment on some of the following:

- is it more secure to run rsync as a command within ssh (probably using
command=some_wrapper in authorized_keys) or to run an rsync daemon (with
VPN and/or restricted port forwarding, e.g. permitopen="localhost:873"
in authorized_keys) ?

- are there any ideal examples of wrapper scripts that set up a fakeroot
environment (either on each invocation or wrapping the rsync daemon)?

- is there any facility for command line filtering (or any example of
such a wrapper script) when running in ssh mode?  E.g. to stop people
using `some nasty rm command` or detect attempts to steal
../../../secret_file ?

- as an alternative to fakeroot, is there any type of filesystem that
can be run on the backup server that would allow non-root processes to
manipulate file ownership and permissions?  I couldn't find examples of
this in the common Linux filesystems.

- is there any possibility for the rsync process on the backup server to
keep the destination files within a tar file (or some virtual filesystem
that is backed by a tar file) and then the owner/permission data can be
stored in the tar file (without needing to run as root)?

I've seen a few examples online that answer parts of these questions,
but nobody has shared a complete recipe, and some of the issues are not
addressed anywhere

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