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That is a bit old for ext4.  You need 2.6.28 as the bare minimum but
there were a few early issues.  I don't remember exactly when it
stabilized but I think it was in the low 2.6.30s.  Your 2.6.18 is from
2006.  (Yes, I know, RedHat has been patching it for years.  Doesn't
mean they have done any performance improvements.)

On 04/12/12 17:36, vijay patel wrote:
> We are running Kernel 2.6.18-308.1.1.el5 which is latest in RHEL
> 5.8 on both the server. I think i might have to explore option of
> using ext4.
>> Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 17:31:35 -0400 From: k...@sanitarium.net 
>> To: rsync@lists.samba.org Subject: Re: Rsync takes long time to
>> finish
> There was also a serious performance regression in 2.6.39.
> On 04/12/12 17:29, Dan Stromberg wrote:
>> I've heard lots of good suggestions already - another thing that 
>> I've not seen mentioned is, upgrading your kernel may help. 
>> Somewhere shortly before kernel 3.0, pathname lookups got 
>> noticeably faster.
>> You could also try an alternative filesystem like xfs. It's 
>> supposed to be pretty good at large directories.
>> On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 11:29 AM, vijay patel 
>> <catchv...@hotmail.com <mailto:catchv...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Friends,
>> I am using rsync to copy data from Production File Server to 
>> Disaster Recovery file server. I have 100Mbps link setup between 
>> these two servers. Folder structure is very deep. It is having 
>> path like /reports/folder1/date/folder2/file.tx, where we have 
>> 1600 directories like 'folder1', daily folders since last year
>> in date folder and 2 folders for each date folder like folder2
>> which ultimately will contain the file. Files are not too big but
>> just design of folder structure is complex. Folder structure
>> design is done by application and we can't change it at the
>> moment. I am using following command in cron to run rsync.
>> rsync -avh --delete --exclude-from 'ex_file.txt' /reports/ 
>> | tee /tmp/rsync_report.out >> 
>> /tmp/rsync_report.out.$today
>> Initially we were running it every 5 mins then we increased it
>> to every 30 mins since one instance was not getting finished in
>> 5 mins. Now we have made it to run every 8 hours because of lots
>> of folders. Is there a way i can improve performance of my
>> rsync??
>> Regards, Vijay
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- -- 
        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.               ke...@futurequest.net  (work)
        Orlando, Florida                k...@sanitarium.net (personal)
        Web page:                       http://www.sanitarium.net/
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