
a patch could help you in the case of a move or rename of a file :

Patch : --detect-renamed
(1) match in size & modify-time (plus the basename, if possible)
(2) or match in size & checksum (when --checksum was also specified) and
use each match as an alternate basis file to speed up the transfer.


Patch options : --detect-renamed-lax and --detect-moved

Benjamin ANDRE

2012/7/5 Matthias Schniedermeyer <m...@citd.de>

> On 05.07.2012 09:26, Yan Seiner wrote:
> > Is it possible to tell rsync *not* to use file names, date stamps, etc
> and
> > only use the checksum for deciding if a file is the same?
> >
> > the remote machine "normalizes" a set of file names to remove all
> > punctuation marks and forces all file names to lower case.  The files
> > themselves are unchanged.
> >
> > --checksum looks promising but it does not say anything about file names:
> >
> > -c, --checksum              Skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size
> >
> > Can this be done?
> A workaround comes to mind.
> MD5/SHA1 (whatever) the files and hardlink them under that name into a
> (hidden) directory.
> Then when you rsync with "-H" those hardlinks (All files must be below
> the start-directory) make sure that rsync only has to delete/create
> hardlinks and not copy them again after it had copied it the first time.
> I use a similar method for a bunch of big files i have, i hardlink them
> into a hidden directory and when i move the files around rsync only
> deletes/creates hardlinks. When i move the files onto other storage i
> only need to do "find .z -type f -links 1" to find out which files only
> have 1 link. Which means all other hardlinks are gone and i can remove
> that file. ("find .z -type f -links 1 -delete")
> Bis denn
> --
> Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as
> bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
> wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated,
> cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.
> --
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