> On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 3:48 AM, M. Carrasco <c...@dragoman.org> wrote:
> 3. Cron
> It can run properly run from cron as it is demonized.
> What's this about?  I've never had problems running run of the mill scripts 
> from cron, once the environment is adequately replicated.

Joe already answered, but one can also define it as you do: "adequate 
environment": input, output, signals ... 

> "--hard-links" is not used and there is for and against reasons. From man 
> rsync:
>    "... finding  multiply-linked  files  is expensive."
>    "Without this option, hard-linked files in the transfer are treated as 
> though they were separate files."
> FWIW, it might be nice to add a hardlink detecting bloom filter to rsync at 
> some point.  This makes the process of detecting hardlinks less expensive.  
> Another way to narrow down the field is to just look at st_nlink.

Anyway to put this into a wish list?

In the meantime, users should be aware of when to use --hard-links.


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