It seems to me that the | is interpreted literally. You need to escape it
like this in your command variable: \|

To make the logfile and source/destination paths "space proof" when you
store the command in a variable you add escaped " around the paths like
this: \"/path/to/logfile\".
You should also check out running your command with eval, even if it is not
needed in your exact scenario.


*Hans-Kristian Bakke*
Mob: 91 76 17 38

On 24 January 2013 12:08, Joe <> wrote:

> In my new bash script, I'm doing what I think is a very simple rsync
> command the way I'm used to doing it.  I just do a lot of setup and
> checking before I get to it.
> When I run it, it gets very unhappy with me.  It's probably something
> very simple.
> I need to build the rsync command in a string so that some things can go
> away - like if my variables DRY_RUN and DELETE are undefined, they
> should be gone when the string is evaluated.  Without this, DRY_RUN
> turns into "" and rsync still sees it as the first (null) parameter and
> gets totally lost.  I brought this up in a previous thread here awhile ago.
> The ls commands are only in the script to document the state of things
> right before rsync runs.
> The first version of COMMAND (commented out here) was intended to
> protect the arguments if there were embedded blanks.  It also fails when
> I use it, but with slightly different error messages.
> /home/bigbird/pgm/backup_periodic/ is where the script is stored and is
> the current directory when it runs.  This script is nested within a
> couple of others, the first of which calls the the second using sudo, so
> everything runs as root.
> I'm running my script with
> shopt -s -o xtrace  # debug
> shopt -s -o verbose  # debug
> That's what makes this output a little dense, but complete.
> What the heck am I doing to get rsync so confused?
> (The destination was built using my previous notebook (RIP).  That's why
> there's so much more in it.  I'll move things around before I run
> anything with --delete.)
> BTW, when I first ran this, my log file did not exist and rsync said it
> would ignore it because it didn't exist.  In the past, this worked
> fine.  If it wasn't there, rsync just created it (which is the expected
> behavior - at least to me).
>     Joe
> kubuntu precise (12.04),  64-bit i5 notebook  running in konsole under KDE.
> bigbird@ramdass:~/bin$ rsync --version
> rsync  version 3.0.9  protocol version 30
> ls -l ${LOGFILE1}
> + ls -l /home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_log
> -rw-rw-rw- 1 bigbird bigbird 0 Jan 24 05:11
> /home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_log
> ls -l ${LOGFILE2}
> + ls -l /home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_output
> -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Jan 24 05:11
> /home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_output
> ls -l ${MOUNT_POINT[0]}/${DIRECTORY[0]}/
> + ls -l /media/dataspace/data/webcasts/
> total 12
> drwxrwxr-x  5 bigbird bigbird 4096 Dec 14 13:24 Business
> drwxrwxr-x 13 bigbird bigbird 4096 Jan 19 06:07 Health
> drwxrwxr-x 10 bigbird bigbird 4096 Jan 10 12:38 Spiritual
> ls -l ${MOUNT_POINT[1]}/${DIRECTORY[1]}
> + ls -l /media/dest/data/webcasts
> total 44
> drwxr-xr-x  6 bigbird bigbird 4096 Jun  4  2011 Business
> drwxr-xr-x  2 bigbird bigbird 4096 May  5  2012 Comedy
> drwxr-xr-x  2 bigbird bigbird 4096 Oct 20  2011 Computer
> drwxr-xr-x  4 bigbird bigbird 4096 Jun  4  2011 Eco
> drwxr-xr-x  3 bigbird bigbird 4096 Oct 26  2011 Education
> drwxr-xr-x 13 bigbird bigbird 4096 Oct 31  2011 Health
> drwxr-xr-x  2 bigbird bigbird 4096 Nov  4  2011 Links
> drwxr-xr-x  2 bigbird bigbird 4096 Nov  6  2011 Music
> drwxr-xr-x  2 bigbird bigbird 4096 Sep 26  2011 Nature
> drwxr-xr-x 10 bigbird bigbird 4096 Nov  2  2011 Spiritual
> -r--r--r--  1 bigbird bigbird 1043 Dec 19  2010 webcasts-info.txt
> ##COMMAND="rsync ${DRY_RUN} -avushi ${DELETE} --stats --progress
> --log-file=\"${LOGFILE1}\" \"${MOUNT_POINT[0]}/${DIRECTORY[0]}/\"
> \"${MOUNT_POINT[1]}/${DIRECTORY[1]}\" | tee \"${LOGFILE2}\""
> COMMAND="rsync ${DRY_RUN} -avushi ${DELETE} --stats --progress
> --log-file=${LOGFILE1} ${MOUNT_POINT[0]}/${DIRECTORY[0]}/
> ${MOUNT_POINT[1]}/${DIRECTORY[1]} | tee ${LOGFILE2}"
> + COMMAND='rsync -n -avushi  --stats --progress
> --log-file=/home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_log
> /media/dataspace/data/webcasts/ /media/dest/data/webcasts | tee
> /home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_output'
> echo "RUNNING [[${COMMAND}]]" ## let user see what's being done
> + echo 'RUNNING [[rsync -n -avushi  --stats --progress
> --log-file=/home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_log
> /media/dataspace/data/webcasts/ /media/dest/data/webcasts | tee
> /home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_output]]'
> RUNNING [[rsync -n -avushi  --stats --progress
> --log-file=/home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_log
> /media/dataspace/data/webcasts/ /media/dest/data/webcasts | tee
> /home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_output]]
> ${COMMAND}                    ## Do it!
> + rsync -n -avushi --stats --progress
> --log-file=/home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_log
> /media/dataspace/data/webcasts/ /media/dest/data/webcasts '|' tee
> /home/bigbird/rlog/ramdass-01-internal_webcasts_output
> sending incremental file list
> rsync: link_stat "/home/bigbird/pgm/backup_periodic/|" failed: No such
> file or directory (2)
> rsync: link_stat "/home/bigbird/pgm/backup_periodic/tee" failed: No such
> file or directory (2)
> rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes to socket [sender]:
> Broken pipe (32)
> ERROR: destination must be a directory when copying more than 1 file
> rsync error: errors selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at
> main.c(571) [Receiver=3.0.9]
> rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (9 bytes received so far) [sender]
> rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(605)
> [sender=3.0.9]
> RC=$?
> + RC=12
> --
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