I'm in the process of fixing a long broken rsync backup on a couple of servers. The old system rsync'd a Linux (CentOS 5) server onto a Opensolaris/OpenIndiana server but didn't worry about ownership or permissions, across an expensive WAN link. All the ownerships and permissions are different to the original box on the OI box.

I now have a virtual CentOS 5 box that I want to mostly mirror the master server onto to have as a warm backup. I have all the files on the OpenIndiana box but with incorrect ownership and permissions. It's around 120GB or so, so I don't want to pump it all down from the master server again if I can help it. I have copied all the files etc off the OI box onto the virtual CentOS server, but with incorrect (ie: same as on the OI box, not the original CentOS box) ownerships and permissions.

Is there a way using rsync (or something else?) to just change ownerships and permissions and not actually copy files no matter what the modification time of the files is, on all the files being rsync'ed? I had a poke through the manual and a bit of googling but didn't find anything that seemed right.

Thank you for any suggestions


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