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The symlink is only a pointer so that you can readlink it on the next
run to determine what to use as your --link-dest parameter.  It is
simply a pointer to the latest directory.

Deleting old stuff is a different concept.  You have a list of
directories with dates and times in the names.  A simple ls will list
them in order.  Any scripting language will have the ability to sort a
list of file names.  So, you make a sorted list then delete however
many you have that are more than the number of them you want starting
with the oldest.  The current symlink is only pointing to the newest
so it would only matter in the deletions if you are deleting all of
the backups.

On 09/05/13 01:08, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
> So if i basically sym link the empty backup with the sym link loop
> to the current directory it should fix the issue? what would happen
> though if i want to remove the oldest directory which was synced
> after 7 days would i have issues then like i am experiencing now?
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Kevin Korb <k...@sanitarium.net 
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>> wrote:
> The .current symlink is a pointer to the current backup.  It
> should always be from the backup you just made to the fixed
> location of the path you are using readlink on.
> On 09/05/13 01:04, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
>> How would i need to create the sym link and to what?
>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 7:03 AM, Kevin Korb <k...@sanitarium.net
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>
>> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>>> wrote:
>> No, it is linking the new target to the previous link-dest
>> On 09/05/13 01:02, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
>>> Doesnt my script already do that at the very end?
>>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 7:00 AM, Kevin Korb <k...@sanitarium.net
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>
>> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>>
>>> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>>>> wrote:
>>> Ahh, I missed looking at the ln command.  You are supposed to
>>> be linking the backup you just made to .current.  So,
>>> ssh $user@$remotehost ln -sf $remotedir 
>>> /home/aquj001/recievingDir.current
>>> On 09/05/13 00:54, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
>>>> Hey Kevin
>>>> The path works as it is after i recreated the .current 
>>>> directory but im still having the issue of a directory on
>>>> the remote being created with too many symbolic links in it
>>>> and no files.
>>>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Kevin Korb
>>>> <k...@sanitarium.net
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>
>> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>>
>>> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>>>
>>>> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>>
>> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>
> <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net <mailto:k...@sanitarium.net>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> linkdest=$(ssh $user@$remotehost /usr/linux/bin/readlink/
>>>> /home/aquj001/recievingDir.current)
>>>> There probably shouldn't be a trailing / on the readlink 
>>>> command.
>>>> If that doesn't settle it is the path in the error message
>>>> the target or the link-dest?
>>>> If it is the target try sending a mkdir first.
>>>> On 09/04/13 09:56, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
>>>>> I have the following script that I am working on
>>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>>> date=$(date +%F--%T)
>>>>> #ssh parameters user=aquj001 remotehost=qa4app
>>>>> localdir=/home/aquj001/INFENG/scripts 
>>>>> remotedir=/home/aquj001/recievingDir.$date
>>>>> linkdest=$(ssh $user@$remotehost /usr/linux/bin/readlink/ 
>>>>> /home/aquj001/recievingDir.current)
>>>>> rsync -a --compress  --link-dest=$linkdest
>>>>> --out-format='%i %n%L %l %M' --omit-dir-times  "$localdir" 
>>>>> "$user@$remotehost:$remotedir" ssh $user@$remotehost
>>>>> /bin/rm -f /home/aquj001/recievingDir.current ssh
>>>>> $user@$remotehost ln -sf $remotedir $linkdest
>>>>> now the issue becomes when i run it, I get the following 
>>>>> errors.
>>>>> rsync: change_dir#4 
>>>>> "/home/aquj001/recievingDir.2013-09-04--15:53:16" failed:
>>>>> No such file or directory (2) rsync error: errors
>>>>> selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at main.c(877) 
>>>>> [receiver=3.0.6] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (9 
>>>>> bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: error in
>>>>> rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(600)
>>>>> [sender=3.0.6]
>>>>> It still creates the directory on the remote machine but
>>>>> its empty and nothing but sym links. Any ideas as to what
>>>>> th eissue is would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>> This is on an AIX 6.1 system installed from the aix
>>>>> toolbox package.
>>>>> -- Jonathan Aquilina
>>>> -- Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting
>>>> the mailing list. To unsubscribe or change options: 
>>>> https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync Before
>>>> posting, read:
>>>> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
>>>> -- Jonathan Aquilina
>>> -- Jonathan Aquilina
>> -- Jonathan Aquilina
> -- Jonathan Aquilina

- -- 
        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.               ke...@futurequest.net  (work)
        Orlando, Florida                k...@sanitarium.net (personal)
        Web page:                       http://www.sanitarium.net/
        PGP public key available on web site.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/

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