hi Wayne, thanks for feedback.
yes, my daemon has a timeout option (although maybe not necessary).

patched the 3.1.0 io.c source ,  now I get this message on the client side:

sending incremental file list
unknown message 42:0 [sender]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(441)

as a precaution, below is a copy of my daemon conf.

cheer up! :-)

use chroot = true
max connections = 6
syslog facility = local3
max verbosity = 1
timeout = 600

read only = true
list = false
uid = 99
gid = 99

strict modes = true
auth users =

# (ips and hosts obfuscated)
hosts allow =, aaa.aa.aaa.a/aa,       \

transfer logging = true

secrets file = /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets

path = /ccc/vccc/cc/ccc
comment = dzafdzefjzefp fzefzefz efzef  zef zefzef
hosts allow = fzefezf, fzefze,efzefzef,fezfzef
auth users = ttt, uuu
read only = false

2013/10/3 Wayne Davison <way...@samba.org>

> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 3:53 AM, thomas veymont 
> <thomas.veym...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> sending incremental file list
>> unknown message 0:0 [sender]
> I assume your daemon has a timeout option set, since the newest rsync is
> using message 0:0 as a keep-alive signal (as it used to do in the olden
> days).  It would appear that a protocol 30 sender (but not receiver) cannot
> handle that do-nothing message, so we'll need to tweak the keep-alive code
> a bit for better backward compatibility.  Can you try the following patch
> for 3.1.0?
> http://opencoder.net/keep-alive.diff
> ..wayne..
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