This is my first time to really use rsync.  I did small tests to get the 
arguments like I wanted and then kicked off the big rsync about 2 and a half 
hours ago.  So far, it has not copied over any files.

The command I used is:

rsync \
  --relative \
  --recursive \
  --copy-links \
  host:/glob/that/matches/about/eighty/./directories \

The list of directories are all full of symbolic links that point off to NFS 
mounted file systems.  I don't expect it to complete today but I do have to 
stop it each day at the end of the work day.  But it worries me that it has yet 
to copy over any files.

Is it really making progress?  Or will it take this long to really start 
copying files over each day I start it?

I expect the total amount copied to be about 400G and about 4 million files.

It is possible to break this up into pieces if that would help.

Thank you for your help and advice,

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