Hi. I try to make backups from one disk to another. I have .sparsebundle[1] 
directories on the source drive (/Volumes/data/). When rsync reaches the first 
.sparsebundle it stalls and stays there until i ctrl+c.
I'm using OS X Yosemite and rsync version 3.1.1 protocol version 31 installed 
via homebrew. However, I had this problem on OS X Lion too using rsync 3.0.9. 
Actually, the reason I updated to Yosemite was partly because I thought I might 
get rsync working again. 

Here is the full line:
sudo rsync -vaxAXES --log-file="/Volumes/backup/__rsync/$(date 
+"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S").log" --exclude="__rsync/" --exclude=".Trashes/" 
--exclude=".Spotlight-V100" --exclude=".fseventsd/" 
--exclude=".DocumentRevisions-V100/" --exclude=".TemporaryItems/" 
/Volumes/data/ /Volumes/backup/

I'm also seeing 32 lines of of "rsync: unpack_smb_acl: sys_acl_get_info(): 
Undefined error: 0 (0)" errors directly after "sending incremental file list".

Any clues would be very welcome.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparse_image#Sparse_bundle_disk_images
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