
At Wed, 20 Jan 2016 01:11:58 -0700,
Bob Holtzman wrote:
> Running Debian 8.2, xfce 4.10, rsync 3.1.1-3. I just edited my backup script 
> as follows:

Your backup script is broken.

> #The first line deletes extraneous files. The second does not and is used for 
> normal backups.
> # rsync -vaHz --delete --exclude '/proc' --exclude '*.iso' --exclude '/sys' 
> --exclude '/home/holtzm/Documents/*.iso' --exclude '/media'

This is a comment. I love comment.

>  /. /media/cf0a98ed-3c11-4107-b61e-f5139d024396/Jessie-laptop

This is NOT a comment.

/bin/sh tries to invoke "/." as a command, but it fails.
Try the following on your shell to reproduce it:

  $ /bin/sh
  $ /. foo bar
  sh: /.: Is a directory

> # rsync -vaHz --exclude '/proc' --exclude '/sys' --exclude '*.iso' --exclude 
> '/home/holtzm/Documents/*.iso' --exclude '/media'
>  /. /media/cf0a98ed-3c11-4107-b61e-f5139d024396/Jessie-laptop


> ##############################################################################################################################################
>  rsync -vaHz --delete --exclude '/holtzm/exclude' /. 
> /media/cf0a98ed-3c11-4107-b61e-f5139d024396/Jessie-laptop

--exclude option takes an extended glob pattern, not a file path.
Use --exclude-from option instead and read rsync(1) manpage.

> Also, I just changed to an exclude file ($HOME/exclude) as follows:
> '/dev'
> '/lost+found'
> '/proc'
> '/media'
> '/tmp'
> '/*./*iso'

Remove all "'"s.

> My problem is that when I run the script I get this error message:
> root@localhost:/home/holtzm# scripts/backup
> scripts/backup: line 4: /.: Is a directory
> scripts/backup: line 7: /.: Is a directory

See above.

> sending incremental file list
> rsync: mkdir "/media/cf0a98ed-3c11-4107-b61e-f5139d024396/Jessie-laptop" 
> failed: No such file or directory (2)
> rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at main.c(674) [Receiver=3.1.1]

Create /media/cf0a98ed-3c11-4107-b61e-f5139d024396 before running rsync.
Rsync does NOT create the parent directory of the destination.

> Tried running searches w/ no luck. Checked all the docs I could find w/ no luc

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