Rely on the other answers here as to how to do it right.

I just want to mention a few things in your script.
yes | cp /volume1/rsync/Buero/timenow.txt /volume1/rsync/Buero/timeold.txt
Yes is a program which puts out "Y" (or whatever you tell it to) forever - not what you want - and cp does not accept input from a pipe unless the first argument is "-" or some similar fancier construction. You can probably just leave off the "yes | " and have the statement work exactly as it does now.

It looks like your EXPIRED logic will only find a directory which *exactly* matches that date.

You might look at using something like a find command to find directories older than 14 days.

Some find options which might help:

-ctime 14  specifies finding things modified more than 14 days ago
-type d specifies finding only directories
-maxdepth 1 specifies finding things only one level below the path find starts at -exec ls -l {} \; specifies running a command on every result which is returned - in this case, an ls which can't hurt anything. You can replace ls with something like rm -rf {} when you're *very* sure the command is finding *exactly* what you want it to.

I didn't put the whole command together because until you understand how it works, you don't want to try something that might delete a bunch of things beyond what you actually want deleted.


On 06/19/2016 08:22 AM, Dennis Steinkamp wrote:
Hey guys,

i tried to create a simple rsync script that should create daily backups from a ZFS storage and put them into a timestamp folder. After creating the initial full backup, the following backups should only contain "new data" and the rest will be referenced via hardlinks (-link-dest)

This was at least a simple enough scenario to achieve it with my pathetic scripting skills. This is what i came up with:


# rsync copy script for rsync pull from FreeNAS to BackupNAS for Buero dataset

# Set variables
EXPIRED=`date +"%d-%m-%Y" -d "14 days ago"`

# Copy previous timefile to timeold.txt if it exists
if [ -f "/volume1/rsync/Buero/timenow.txt" ]
yes | cp /volume1/rsync/Buero/timenow.txt /volume1/rsync/Buero/timeold.txt
# Create current timefile
    echo `date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H%M"` > /volume1/rsync/Buero/timenow.txt
# rsync command
if [ -f "/volume1/rsync/Buero/timeold.txt" ]
    rsync -aqzh \
    --delete --stats --exclude-from=/volume1/rsync/Buero/exclude.txt \
--log-file=/volume1/Backup_Test/logs/rsync-`date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H%M"`.log \ --link-dest=/volume1/Backup_Test/`cat /volume1/rsync/Buero/timeold.txt` \
Test@`date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H%M"`
    rsync -aqzh \
    --delete --stats --exclude-from=/volume1/rsync/Buero/exclude.txt \
--log-file=/volume1/Backup_Buero/logs/rsync-`date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H%M"`.log \
Test@`date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H%M"`

# Delete expired snapshots (2 weeks old)
if [ -d /volume1/Backup_Buero/$EXPIRED-* ]
rm -Rf /volume1/Backup_Buero/$EXPIRED-*

Well, it works but there is a huge flaw with his approach and i am not able to solve it on my own unfortunately. As long as the backups are finishing properly, everything is fine but as soon as one backup job couldn`t be finished for some reason, (like it will be aborted accidently or a power cut occurs) the whole backup chain is messed up and usually the script creates a new full backup which fills up my backup storage.

What i would like to achieve is, to improve the script so that a backup run that wasn`t finished properly will be resumed, next time the script triggers. Only if that was successful should the next incremental backup be created so that the files that didn`t changed from the previous backup can be hardlinked properly.

I did a little bit of research and i am not sure if i am on the right track here but apparently this can be done with return codes, but i honestly don`t know how to do this. Thank you in advance for your help and sorry if this question may seem foolish to most of you people.



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