All the files and directories I want to talk about are on the same machine (a 
Mac).  I have a directory that I will call SOURCE. This contains a a number of 
files, some of which are directories containing further files. I want to copy 
these files to another directory, which I will call TARGET. Please assume that 
SOURCE and TARGET include absolute path-names. I think they should also end in 
a slash (subject to correction).

If a top-level file/directory is present in TARGET, but not in SOURCE, I do not 
want it to be disturbed.
If a top-level file/directory is not present in TARGET, but is present in 
SOURCE, I want it to be recursively copied into TARGET
If a top-level file/directory is present in TARGET and also present in SOURCE, 
I want it to overwrite, so that the ccorresponding file/directory in TARGET at 
the end of the rsync job is a copy of what is in SOURCE, with the same 
permissions and date-stamps.

Since it’s on a Mac, I also want to transfer extended attributes.

I would be grateful for the recommended recipe. 

Would dry-run tell me what rsync proposed to delete as well as what it proposed 
to install. It’s because I don’t understand the option dry-run fully that I’m 
reluctant to use trial-and-error to get to the right command.

I think I would have to use “sudo” since some of the files are not readable by 
me when I am an ordinaty user.


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