--- Comment #1 from Dave Gordon <> ---
Comment on attachment 14099
setup instructions and copier

This is a documented feature; see rsyncd.conf(5):

    When this parameter is disabled on a writable module and "use chroot" is
    off (or the inside-chroot path is not "/"), incoming symlinks will be
    modified to drop a leading slash and to remove ".." path elements that
    rsync believes will allow a symlink to escape the module’s hierarchy.
    There are tricky ways to work around this, though, so you had better
    trust your users if you choose this combination of parameters.

Unless you want the symlinks to be usable on the server as well as the client,
why not enable munge-symlinks. That way the client will get back the same
out-of-tree symlink as it started with, even though it will have had a
different content while on the server.


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