I use rsync in a fairly complex scripted situation and am trying to figure out 
how to avoid changing ownership/permissions just on the directories specified 
on the command line (but operate normally for everything underneath).  

I've been using --relative --no-implied-dirs with some success in other 
situations, but here it still seems to try to chown the last path component of 
the implied-dirs, even when the /./ separator is appended.   When I use 
verbose, I see that rsync does a chdir() to the implied dir on the receiving 
end, but then also tries to chown('.') which I don't expect it to be doing.  I 
expected rsync to not try to change permissions or ownership on everything 
before the /./ separator.

E.g.   backing up and restoring my Windows home directory which is owned by 
SYSTEM:SYSTEM with everything underneath owned by me:me  to a remote Linux 
server with everything owned by me:me:

rsync -a --super --relative --no-implied-dirs  "--filter=. HomeWin.rfilter"   
/cygdrive/c/Users/me/./   myserver:/WinBACKUP/Users/me/

where HomeWin.rfilter is anchored at a Windows home directory and contains 
something like:
+ /Pictures/
- /*

This ends up failing to chown SYSTEM:SYSTEM /WinBACKUP/Users/me (permission 
denied; no such user/group).

I have a usable workaround which is just to chown me:me /cygdrive/c/Users/me, 
but it would be nice to figure out a proper solution without risking Windows 

Any help, ideas would be appreciated.

        -- Chris
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