Dear all,

I'm encountering a problem with one of my backup. For some files, the checksum calculation is failing leading to the following error :

For instance:

>f......... Avion/avion-été-2020/pesee-log-nav-carbu.ods

WARNING: Avion/avion-été-2020/pesee-log-nav-carbu.ods failed verification -- update discarded (will try again).

The problem is the files are strictly identical on each endpoint:

- on the target:

root@nas:~/sauvegardes-manuelles# md5sum /srv/last-backup/Avion/avion-été-2020/pesee-log-nav-carbu.ods 44807654dcd7eb0ea3bfa9f47d7eadf7 /srv/last-backup/Avion/avion-été-2020/pesee-log-nav-carbu.ods

- on the source:

root@laurent-laptop:/home/laurent/perso/Avion# md5sum avion-été-2020/pesee-log-nav-carbu.ods
44807654dcd7eb0ea3bfa9f47d7eadf7 avion-été-2020/pesee-log-nav-carbu.ods

The sha256sum is the same on both endpoints too.

Do you have an idea ?



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