On Thu, 24 Jan 2013, Forrest Aldrich wrote:

I am embarrassed to admit that, at some point during my production work, some nincompoop enabled iptables on the rsyslog server -- and that it only occurred to me to check that this afternoon. I am pretty mad, but it won't happen again - I have puppet to keep that in check now >:-)

Such things happen more frequently than you would think. That's why I suggested network troubleshooting 101 :-)

On a slightly related question, would the stock version of rsyslog3 suffice for sending TCP messages to a rsyslog-5.x server? I would think so...

Yes, it will. later versions allow gathering significantly more (and more reilaible) information, as well as dealing with structured logs so that you can add metadata (like what app, business unit, etc) without it getting mixed up with the log data.

David Lang
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