
I try to get a coherent names for programs who send messages to rsyslog.
For most messages, $app-name or $programname do the job (I get $syslogtag
without the trailing "[pid]:").

However, $app-name/$programname does not play well with some system
For example, on RHEL6 servers, the cron "run-parts" script use parenthesis
and slashes in the tag.

Using RSYSLOG_DebugFormat, here is what we get :
Debug line with all properties:
FROMHOST: 'client1', fromhost-ip: '', HOSTNAME: 'client1', PRI: 77,
syslogtag 'run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[22434]:', programname: 'run-parts(',
APP-NAME: 'run-parts(', PROCID: '22434', MSGID: '-',
TIMESTAMP: 'Mar 19 17:01:01', STRUCTURED-DATA: '-',
msg: ' starting 0anacron'
escaped msg: ' starting 0anacron'
inputname: imuxsock rawmsg: '<77>Mar 19 17:01:01
run-parts(/etc/cron.hourly)[22434]: starting 0anacron'

While both parenthesis and slashes are "forbidden" by RFC3164, one is
accepted and the other isn't.
Is there a motivation to allow one and not the other ?

Here is my current workaround :
if $app-name == "run-parts(" then {
    set $!app = field($syslogtag, 91, 1); # 91 = "["
} else {
    set $!app = $app-name;

It works, but it's ugly and I doubt it's performance-wise. ;-)

Is there a better way to do it ?


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