I am watching this thread closely as I have a use case that message order is important, that is using rsyslog to ship a mysql slow log read in via imfile. I have worked around the issue with a DA queue sending messages out of order by using a disk queue.

$ModLoad omrelp
$ActionQueueType Disk
*.* :omrelp:remoteserver:514;RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat

What I have recently tried to do is setup a ruleset bound to the imfile input and then use that ruleset to send the logs to the remote destinate, I tried to use a queue of direct here hoping that if the remote server is down, that the imfile would just stop reading in the file.

My tests show that rsyslog still is queueing messages with this config though.

ruleset(name="infiles") {
action(name="relpinfiles" type="omrelp" template="RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat" target="removeserver" port="514" queue.type="Direct" )

input(type="imfile" file="/local/mysql/slow-queries.log" tag="slowlog:" severity="debug" facility="local0" ruleset="infiles")

On 01/16/2015 10:25 AM, David Lang wrote:
On Fri, 16 Jan 2015, Dave Caplinger wrote:

If I understand correctly, if an Rsyslog queue is in DAQ mode sending to a output module (because the output is temporarily unavailable, or not emptying the output queue quickly enough), then the output will start getting messages out of order as the Rsyslog sends some current messages from the front of the queue as well as some from the on-disk back of the queue. I presume this is an optimization to help get the backlog delivered and try to get out of DAQ mode ASAP. It would be handy (for me at least) if we could optionally turn that off for an output queue in order to deliver the queued messages in-order even if there is an additional disk write penalty to pay (for longer).

One issue is that disk queues are very slow compared to memory queues, so it's possible that if you force all messages to be written to the queue while you are also pulling messages from the queue that this will slow you down so much that you will never catch up. I think there is room for improvement here, but that would be pretty major surgery.

I'll also point out that even without disk assisted queues, you can get messages out of order for several reasons.

1. UDP packets can pass each other 'on the wire' in a sufficiently complex network.

2. since rsyslog processes messages in batches, when you have multiple threads working, thread 1 can grab messages 1-100 and a millisecond later thread 2 can grab messages 101-200 from the queue, message 101 will be sent long before message 100 (possibly before message 2 gets processed, depending on the ruleset)

3. If you have redundant relay systems, one may get delayed (it may go down before relaying all it's messages and send them when it comes back up for example)

Even before rsyslog implemented batches and had the potential to send messages out of order, there were still conditions that could cause out-of-order delivery. When I took the Simple Event Correlator class we were taught to not do if A followed by B followed by C then X and instead do if A set flagA, if B set flagB, if C set flagC, if flagA,flagB,flagC then X.

David Lang
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