Yeah - I think a performance decrease would have to be incurred only when
using this feature.  There would need to be a way to still use static
templates as well.  I know I'd personally whether work around things the
way I do now than take a performance hit across all templates.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 11:05 AM, Tomas Heinrich <>

> TL;DR: Extending the current output-formatting capabilities would be
> great, but, to me, the proposal seems half-hearted. I'd prefer a more
> powerful solution.
> On 06/18/15 08:31, David Lang wrote:
>> There are so many cases where someone needs to override something in the
>> default template (bad hostname, bad programname, etc) that having to
>> create a custom tempalte for each thing gets to be a hassle.
> Agreed; been there and it's not just a hassle, it doesn't work very well.
>  I'd like to propose that we have some templates that are exactly the
> <...>
> I don't think extending templates this way is the right approach.
> It feels like a kludge, using the instruments at hand, to get this use
> case working. It would be a code that has to be maintained and I'd hope
> that if something in this area gets implemented, it would be a more
> flexible solution.
> A less flexible solution would be to allow overriding properties of
> messages when some condition is met. But that doesn't solve all the needs
> and some property values are interdependent.
> I've recently dealt with a scenario where an omfile template had to be
> tweaked depending on the message content. This doesn't work well for omfile
> because you get two actions with different templates writing into the same
> file.
> So I think there are actually two problems (or limitations):
> * the first is that templates are a static property (can't switch between
> templates dynamically)
> * the second is that they're a property of the output action ONLY instead
> of a message +  output action / output module / ... combinations. (Here I'm
> treading on thin ice...)
> With static templates, what changes are the values of the referenced
> properties - which can't be overridden, AFAIK. If you want to change the
> static bits or use different properties, you have to duplicate the action
> with a different template.
> It would feel natural to have an action that switches/assigns a template
> to a particular message on a particular path. You can construct arbitrarily
> complex conditions in rainerscript for calling these actions.
> The downside is that all this would probably decrease the performance
> quite a bit.
> Tomas
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