I hope there is a stats about metrics based on $programname, $severity,
$fromhost-ip etc, extends the ruleset(impstats).

2015-10-07 16:19 GMT+08:00 singh.janmejay <singh.janme...@gmail.com>:

> --
> Regards,
> Janmejay
> PS: Please blame the typos in this mail on my phone's uncivilized soft
> keyboard sporting it's not-so-smart-assist technology.
> On Oct 7, 2015 3:26 AM, "David Lang" <da...@lang.hm> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 7 Oct 2015, singh.janmejay wrote:
> >
> >> --
> >> Regards,
> >> Janmejay
> >>
> >> PS: Please blame the typos in this mail on my phone's uncivilized soft
> >> keyboard sporting it's not-so-smart-assist technology.
> >>
> >> On Oct 6, 2015 10:32 PM, "David Lang" <da...@lang.hm> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, 6 Oct 2015, singh.janmejay wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> It is possible to use global-variables (it'll require some
> >>>> enhancements, table-support etc), but it'll be very inefficient
> >>>> compared to this approach. For instance, choice of data-structure etc
> >>>> allows making the solution a lot more efficient.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> As for the data structures, Rainer has been identifying inefficencies
> in
> >>
> >> how json-c works and working to improve them
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> That optimizes variable system. But it still is a general propose
> variable
> >> system. It can't and shouldn't understand relationship between
> variables.
> >
> >
> > what relationships are there between the different metrics?
> >
> The fact that they are read in one shot, reported and reset.
> >
> >>>
> >>>> Here its possible to locklessly increment counters in most cases, so
> >>>> its overhead is a lot lesser than global-variables.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> how can you manage counters in multiple threads without locks?
> Especially
> >>
> >> when dealing with batches.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Consider a trie based implementation. With bounded fanout-factor, it's
> O(1)
> >> wrt metric-names cardinality. It also has very little lock contention
> >> involved. Usually operations work with read-locks, only when new metric
> is
> >> initialized it requires a write lock on patent node. If recycles are few
> >> and far apart, lock contention would be negligible.
> >
> >
> > if you have multiple threads that may need to update the same metric at
> the same time, a tree doesn't eliminate the locking.
> >
> The only situation involving a lock that is contended for, is when a metric
> is to be initialized. Consider this trie:
> A -> B -> C
>            -> D
> Now for incrementing key ABC, no contention exists, because it involves
> read-locks only. It just uses atomic-increment to bump the counter at node
> C. Same for ABD.
> But ABE will require a write-lock at node B, because node E doesn't exist
> yet. However key with not shared parent can again be initialized
> concurrently. Init operation can be amortized over a large set of increment
> operations making its cost negligible(this is the knob that reset interval
> exposes).
> > The current json-c locking is being make intentionally over-broad right
> now because it appears that some json-c code is not thread-safe and we
> haven't identified it yet. Once that's tracked down and fixed (or json-c
> replaced), updating one item should not require locking any more than that
> item.
> >
> >
> >>>
> >>>> Recycle is precisely to allow this lockless mechanism to work. Its
> >>>> basically saying, it'll track metric-names he has seen in last 1 hour.
> >>>> If we kill tracking of it as soon as we don't see an increment
> >>>> (between 2 reporting runs of impstats), it'll lead to unnecessary
> >>>> churn when low-values are common or load is not uniform in time.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> that depends on the cost of initializing a metric vs the cost of
> tracking
> >>
> >> the recycle mechanism.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> 0 value data-points can easily be filtered out. So they don't create any
> >> processing overhead downstream. Cost of tracking for recycle is minimal
> >> because it's a single counter bring tracked, when it reaches zero it's
> >> reset to orig starting value and trie is killed after reporting
> accumulated
> >> stats.
> >
> >
> > actually, filtering out 0 data-points can be a very bad thing. Far too
> many monitoring tools produce stright-line graphs/estimates between
> reported data-points, so it's very important to report 0 value data-points
> >
> I agree.
> >
> >>>> Implementing it on top of global-variables is not only has very high
> >>>> performance-penalty(it'll be prohibitive for high-throughput
> >>>> scenarios), it also exposes too much complexity to the user (where
> >>>> user has to worry about reset etc).
> >>>>
> >>>> I don't plan to have a scheduler in this implementation.
> >>>> GetAllStatsLines call will purge the tree instead of reset at that
> >>>> interval. Its basically a balance between freeing-up memory occupied
> >>>> by stale-metric-names vs. performance (lockless handling of
> >>>> increment). So it will be governed by impstat schedule. May be I
> >>>> should change name to better name (equivalent of
> >>>> purge_known_keys_after_they_have_been_reported_N_times).
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> if this is just adding additional metrics to the impstats output that
> >>
> >> eliminates the schedular/reset issue.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I think we should have a metric configuration be fairly static, allow
> >>
> >> configuring custom metrics and add to them, but don't use data from the
> >> message as part of the name of the metric, and continue reporting them
> >> forever, even if they are 0 (so no need to 'recycle' names)
> >>
> >> Dynamic metrics are a real usecase for any shared system(utilisation
> across
> >> several users, several hosts, several clusters, several-subnets etc are
> >> easily reportable with this). The only way to report utilisation in many
> >> scenarios is to have dyn-metric names. The alternative is to pre-declare
> >> all keys, but that to me is a more indirect solution. It's not as
> >> flexible/adaptive.
> >>
> >> I think declarative static-key a useful feature on its own, for eg when
> >> classifying reportable metric into buckets known in advance, but dyn-key
> >> and configurable-static-key are not interchangeable.
> >
> >
> > dynamic systems will have pathalogical failure condiditions. Consider
> what happens when someone uses hostname in a dynafile template and then
> some system starts spewing malformed logs that put garbage data in that
> field. Creating hundreds or thousands of metric variables is much worse.
> The max-cardinality optional field in dyn-metric-namespace declaration was
> exactly to prevent this kind of unbounded growth. We can choose a sensible
> default.
> >
> > I agree that pre-declared keys are less flexible, but they are also going
> to be far safer and easier to deal with.
> >
> >
> > David Lang
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