I strongly recommend using 8.13 if you push logs to ES. There are many
useful patches since 8.10 (some of them might not be in the changelog

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On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 9:17 PM, Micah Yoder <micah.yo...@rackspace.com>

> On 10/7/15 12:11 PM, David Lang wrote:
> > It looks like json-c is not really thread-safe. specifically when using
> > anything that outputs a json structure. Running into problems requires
> > that you have multiple threads working on the same message, but if you
> > have an action queue for your elasticsearch output, that would create
> > the conditions that can trigger this.
> That may be part of it, thanks.  I get this in dmesg on the staging
> server (8.10):
> rs:action-app_e[45178] general protection ip:7fcc56c91633
> sp:7fcc45bf89d8 error:0 in libjson-c.so.2.0.1[7fcc56c8a000+a000]
> rs:action-app_e[3213]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f538356e633 sp
> 00007f53715f19d8 error 6 in libjson-c.so.2.0.1[7f5383567000+a000]
> With the changes I made in the dev server (8.13), here are the dmesg
> outputs:
> rs:main Q:Reg[26553]: segfault at 7f0d7009a000 ip 00007f0d9a667f2c sp
> 00007f0d7fbfd2d0 error 6 in rsyslogd[7f0d9a643000+8d000]
> rs:main Q:Reg[26835]: segfault at 7fccc4073000 ip 00007fccf3c67f2c sp
> 00007fcce1bf82d0 error 6 in rsyslogd[7fccf3c43000+8d000]
> rs:main Q:Reg[27566]: segfault at 7f471404a000 ip 00007f473c5e2f2c sp
> 00007f472b1fc2d0 error 6 in rsyslogd[7f473c5be000+8d000]
> rs:main Q:Reg[27855]: segfault at 7fa58002d000 ip 00007fa5a79c1f2c sp
> 00007fa5957f72d0 error 6 in rsyslogd[7fa5a799d000+8d000]
> rs:main Q:Reg[28169]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00007f53b11f73d8 error 14
> rs:main Q:Reg[31317]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00007f9fd4df63d8 error 14
> No json-c there.
> Maybe we should just update to 8.13 in staging, putting my other changes
> off for a bit.  We do kind of need them though - currently messages are
> being dropped, we think because the ElasticSearch actions are direct
> queues instead of linked lists, and they are causing bottlenecks
> elsewhere in the system.
> Will discuss with my team, thanks!
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