I found out today that elasticsearch 2.x does not allow field names to have
the period character in them.  This is making my life interesting as I use
elasticsearch with rsyslog end to end (no logstash), and a lot of our field
names have "." as a delimiter in them.

In a perfect world, I'd like an "elasticsearch" property formatter that
could look for and replace "." in field names with "_", that would also
work with the all-json property, something like:

property(name="$!all-json" format="elasticsearch")

Or, if this is to ES specific for rsyslog core, perhaps we could add this
functionality to the omelasticsearch output itself (I'll look over the code

I'd like to not have to introduce logstash to my environment just to regex
a character in field names.  I'm open to other ideas as well, just wanted
to start the conversation.

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