Rainer - question - is it possible to build rsyslog without libjson-c now?
I've built libfastjson - but I notice that liblognorm's latest stable
release is still 1.1.2, which I believe still requires libjson-c.


On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 2:54 AM, Rainer Gerhards <rgerha...@hq.adiscon.com>

> The doc tarball is now also online:
> http://www.rsyslog.com/files/download/rsyslog/rc/rsyslog-doc-8.17.0.tar.gz
> Rainer
> 2016-03-07 7:47 GMT+01:00 Rainer Gerhards <rgerha...@hq.adiscon.com>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have just placed pre-release tarballs for tomorrow's upcoming
> > rsyslog 8.17.0 release on the server. This includes a tarball for
> > libfastjson as prequisite.
> >
> > *
> http://www.rsyslog.com/files/download/rsyslog/rc/libfastjson-0.99.2.tar.gz
> > * http://www.rsyslog.com/files/download/rsyslog/rc/rsyslog-8.17.0.tar.gz
> >
> > These tarballs are most probably the final ones. We still have one
> > issue that we would like to get into the release, so the final tarball
> > may change slightly. It addresses an issue with KSI signature
> > integration, a feature only few users use and that usually is not
> > enabled by default in distributions. So this change, if it happens,
> > will most probably not affect anything for almost all users.
> >
> > It would be appreciated if a build could be tried and any problems be
> reported.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rainer
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