set $!data=$msg;
you are getting confused over the difference between a string that looks like json and an actual json structure.
Sorry, I was.

action(type="mmnormalize" path="data")

this would populate $!data with the structure parsed out of $msg.

mmjsonparse puts the parsed data at $! (not configurable), and there are currently bugs in using $! in a set statement, so you would need to change your config to work with $! instead of $!data if you use mmjsonparse to parse the message.
Actually using set $!foo="foo"; solved the issue.

May I know what bugs could cause problems if we do:

   set $!foo="bar";

Another questions:

When using RELP, we have noticed errors could be propagated to origin. If queue is full and not discarding any messages, it may cause troubles on origin rsyslog. According to some list comments, using an intermediate file could solve the issue. So:


We are using mmjson upon reception, and because elastic is expecting json, we are ALSO using mmjson after imfile read.

Is there any way to prevent this redundancy?(AKA: parsing to json twice)

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