Possible of course, but considerable work (gut feeling: 6+ strong weeks).


Sent from phone, thus brief.

Am 21.12.2016 09:42 schrieb "Benoit DOLEZ" <bdo...@pom-monitoring.com>:

> Hi
> I saw with previous posts that it seems to be complicated to reload
> configuration; this is well explained here :
> http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/compatibility/v4compati
> bility.html#hup-processing.
> I wonder if the architecture of rulesets/queues could be flexible enough
> to implement a reload operation limited to rulesets. Do you think it is
> possible to create new queues/rulesets/actions from a new config and mark
> the old ones for removal once idle/empty ?
> Regards
> Benoit
> --
> Benoit DOLEZ, POM Monitoring, http://www.pom-monitoring.com/
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