I'll create an issue for that.

As a workaround until this feature is implemented, do you think it will be possible to parse state file to get "reading position" on a bash script?
Is there any documentation on state file internal structure?

El 22/12/16 a las 09:48, Rainer Gerhards escribió:
The discussion has moved further, but I'd like to say that the ability to delete or move a file after certain period of inactivity sounds like a good-to-have feature to me. It may even not be much work (maybe something Pascal could work on in q1/q2 of 2016). So possibly something worth an enhancement PR. But it won't be prioprity from my side.


2016-12-21 19:34 GMT+01:00 mostolog--- via rsyslog <rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com <mailto:rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>>:


    To contextualize:

    A server is generating multiple log files and sending them using
    RELP to a Rsyslog relay. I would love to automatically delete
    older logs files if they are already sent/acknowledged.

    Is there a way to make Rsyslog delete a file after successfully
    sending it via RELP? (and not modified in the last...day?)

    Is there an easy way to know, outside from Rsyslog, if a file has
    already been processed/sent, in order to delete the local file?

    Maybe an script which gets "reading offset" from state file and
    compares with file size...


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