El 18/01/17 a las 17:05, Rainer Gerhards escribió:
If this is a test environment, I would strongly recommend to run it in a terminal session under valgrind control. If it is an actual leak, valgrind can provide very good diagnostic information.

That would be very helpful and clarify what is going on.

On my way!

Any valgrind special setting?

Will testing 1 message each 5 seconds be enough?

What impstats interval should I use?

Does 1056K says anything to you?

El 18/01/17 a las 17:06, David Lang escribió:
grep -e imrelp -e resource-usage |cut -f 4,6- -d " "
Will do.

I'm less interested in the with and without ES than I am in 100m/sec vs 2000m/sec for the same total number of messages. 1m messages/test would be great, but that takes a long time, let's start with something small like 50K messages per test.

it doesn't need to be exact, but I want to see if ~50K messages @ 100m/sec and ~50K messages @ 2000m/sec result in similar maxrss sizes in the pstats output.

with very few exceptions, rsyslog releases the memory as it goes, there should not be any significant amount of memory freed by rsyslog after it's been idle for a while.
But being idle for 15m should release memory from 512MB to a few KB if they aren't used, isnt it?

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