On Fri, 24 Mar 2017, Chris wrote:

On RH 6 systems running rsyslog 5.8.10 we noticed that if we setup a
client system to use TCP to log to a remote server:
*.*       @@

If the remote log server is not reachable for some reason no logging
takes place, not even local logging to the local system log files.
When the log server is available and rsyslog is restarted  both local
logging and remote logging work.  Is this a known issue or is there some
way to ensure that local logging still occurs when  the TCP remote
server is down?

This is working as designed (for the config you specified), if a message cannot be delivered to one destination, and you don't have rsyslog configured to throw it away, it is not able to finish processing that log message and start work on the next one.

You can create an action queue for the delivery to a remote system, and until that queue fills up, other log processing will continue.

You really should move to at least v7, if not v8, a lot of things have changed, especially the available syntax for specifying queues.

David Lang
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