On 1/8/2018 9:11 AM, Andrew Griffin via rsyslog wrote:
This looks great, I love it!

Can someone refresh my memory on the process for contributing to the 
documentation?  I’d like to chip in

Andrew Griffin

Thanks for the feedback. Do I understand your remarks to be directed at this version of the doc?


Regarding the contribution process:

1. Login with a GitHub account
2. Clone the official https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog-doc repo (i.e., create a "fork")
3. Create a new branch off of the latest 'master' branch
4. Make your changes
5. Commit to the new branch in your fork
6. Submit a Pull Request in the official https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog-doc project 7. Stop making any changes to that branch for the time being, create a new branch from 'master' if you have other work to do
8. Wait for someone to review it and offer feedback/change requests
9. A member of the doc team will review and merge the work after all checks have passed and any requested changes have been made 10. After the work is accepted, delete your branch that you submitted the PR from and start a new one.

For small changes, the work can be done entirely through the web interface. For larger changes, some familiarity with Git is useful, though some editors (Atom, Visual Studio Code) make interfacing with Git easier for newcomers.

Before you begin your work, I'd recommend taking a look at the existing PRs and open issues so that you can make sure you're not working on something that someone else isn't already actively working on. If someone has started work and paused, you could very well likely pickup where they left off.

There is currently some work underway (of which this feedback thread is a part) to standardize the formatting of the docs. I think once we've accomplished that it will be a lot easier to pickup and run with for anyone new to the project. Even so, there is still a lot of opportunity for contributions without a set of standards in place. Everything from typos, to clarifications of content to adding missing coverage.

I'm still learning the ins/outs of everything (including Git), but I'd be happy to answer any questions that I'm able to. Just mention me (e.g., "@deoren") on whatever GitHub issue/PR you work on and I'll be happy to chime in with a response, though I can't guarantee it will always be useful. ;)
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