On Wed, 6 May 2020, Rainer Gerhards wrote:

El mar., 5 may. 2020 a las 21:35, David Lang (<da...@lang.hm>) escribió:

On Tue, 5 May 2020, Rainer Gerhards wrote:

also, could you take a look at the pull requests for liblognorm? there are
a bunch of contributions that have been sitting for a long time.

I will and have done, but IIR a lot could not easily be merged. Will
have a new look again.

thanks, could you comment on the ones that are problems?

I have added some more comments. Many have CI fails, which explain why
they are not mergable. Note that we had some really bad time in the
past after merging breaking PRs and I try to avoid this in the future
at all costs.

makes a lot of sense to be careful

I looked into a couple of the failures (CEF parser and name-value) and it looks like the failure is that something is still trying to include/test libestr. I thought that was eliminated a year or two ago?

David Lang

I think I have found two (and assigned to myself) which possibly can
make it soon into the next release.


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