rsyslog: 8.24.0

I have various hosts sending logs to my centralised rsyslog server. I use
OMFileZipLevel option in my config file to compress my logs and then
zcat anytime
i wish to view the contents.

Since i have upgraded to rsyslog8, whenever i try to zcat one of my
compressed logs i get the following error:

#   zcat srv1.example.com.log.gz
2021-01-06T04:46:11-08:00 srv1.example.com lab: test_msg

gzip: srv1.example.com.log.gz: unexpected end of file

if i stop rsyslog server and access the file then i dont get that error
message. Even if i start the server i can still see the log file without
that EOF message, *however* when my rsyslog server receives a message and
writes it to the file i start getting the same message:

I was able to find a mailing list where someone mentions a similar issue
and this has to do with the file still been opened by rsyslog.

Thing is that i have another rsyslog server running:
rsyslog: 5.8.10
with the exact same rsyslog configuration file but i dont have such
behaviour with EOF messages on my compressed logs.

Could this be a bug in rsyslog 8.24.0 ?
How else could i approach this and find where is the issue?

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