On 19/01/2021 17:27, Alex Regan via rsyslog wrote:

Thanks very much for your help.

Firstly, the second nested conditional (if != 2) is a bit pointless. It's what "else" is for ;-)

Secondly, $hostname contains the hostname contained within the message, not resolved from the source host IP. So if the sender is misconfigured and sends - for example - localhost in logs, you'll have localhost as $hostname.

Thirdly, unless you're very very sure about the contents of the logged events I'd rather go with sorting incoming logs by sender's IP ($fromhost-ip). Caveat: if you're relaying messages for some hosts further down the chain you'd have to somehow pass the original IP; it can get tricky.

And finally, if you're planning on extending this mechanism to splitting to different files for many different sources consider either dynamicaly templated filenames or using lookups to find appropriate action instead of if/else if chains.

Of course the advice of logging with debug template is good for every problem with event processing.

This is what I've come up with.

if $fromhost-ip == '' then {
   if $facility == 2 then { action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/maillog")
   } else {
     action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/maillog-other")

but it then logged nothing after restarting successfully and produced no indication of what was wrong in /var/log/messages. It also never produces the /var/log/maillog-other file.

I also tried to enable debugging in my rsyslog.conf:

$DebugLevel 2
$DebugFile /var/log/rsyslog.log

and while it produced too much output to be helpful, I did see that it at least recorded that IP address.

Hard to tell without really seeing what is in those events that you're receiving and without seeing whole config.


This form of debugging is _not_ what you need. It's for debugging the rsyslogd itself, not your rules. Get rid of it.

As David already wrote, you want to use RSYSLOG_DebugFormat to write full event debug data to a file and see what properties and variables you have associated with the event. Watch out though because it logs huge amounts of data so your file will quickly grow beyond your expectations.

So I'd go with:

action(type="omfile" file="/tmp/debug.log" template="RSYSLOG_DebugFormat")

_before_ this whole config snippet.

Therefore you'd see what you're working on.

If you get no output in the debug.log file, check your permissions (and selinux if it can be involved) and prior rules. Maybe you have some rules before this snippet that block further processing and you don't even get here?

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