I am a bit late, but: good idea - see


El vie, 22 ene 2021 a las 16:40, John Chivian via rsyslog
(<rsyslog@lists.adiscon.com>) escribió:
> pstats are awesome!
> When I want to know how much came into a TCP input, I look at pstats for 
> name:inputName and get “submitted” showing the total count  and 
> “bytes.received” showing the total size.  Thank you to the maintainers of the 
> imptcp module for this functionality.
> My process takes what comes in, normalizes it, adds metadata, wraps it all in 
> a JSON object, and forwards it to the SIEM.
> Now I want to know how much is going out.  Again I can look at pstats for 
> name:outputName and get ”processed” showing the total count going out.  But 
> there’s no equivalent “bytes transmitted” showing the total size.
> So question to the maintainers and the list.  Is there a way to count total 
> bytes being transmitted out an omfwd connection?
> My preference would be to have that info in pstats, but if there’s a 
> different way to gather it I’m certainly open to ideas.  Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
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